close Don’t use our names in your name
Don’t use any Google product names, or confusingly similar names, as part of your company name, product name, domain name, or social media profile.
Use of our brand elements (such as our product names and logos) by developers is dictated by our Google APIs Terms of Service, as well as by any additional terms of service for the specific API you’re using. You’ll need to follow the guidelines here and in any related documentation, so read on.
How the use of Google Translate API is cited on Twitter.
You don’t need our permission to reference how your application interacts with our product, as long as you follow the guidelines found on this page and in any related documentation. These guidelines apply to all uses of Google brand elements (our products, logos, and trademarks) in apps or products using our APIs.
The name of your app, product, or company should be wholly your own. Don’t use any Google product names as part of your name, and don’t modify any of our trademarks.
Don’t use any Google product names, or confusingly similar names, as part of your company name, product name, domain name, or social media profile.
Don’t remove, distort or alter any element of Google Trademarks, such as by modifying the Google Trademark through hyphenation, combination, or abbreviation. Don’t shorten, abbreviate, or create acronyms out of Google Trademarks.
You’re welcome to say that your app works with, works for, uses, or was built with the Google product or service that you used.
Be precise and detailed when talking about how our products work together. And be honest about the level of integration, interaction, or compatibility of your product with ours. Don’t use any Google product names as a verb, in possessive form, or in a way that could imply Google’s sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement.
Use straightforward language to describe how your product works with Google.
Don’t use vague, confusing, hyperbolic, or absolute language, and don’t use “powered by” to describe how Google technology is used in your product.
Don’t use the Google logo or Google Product lockups in a sentence, unless provided to you as an approved byline attribution graphic, and don’t display any Google product names using any different stylization, color, or font from the surrounding text.
You don’t need to request permission to use these elements in your materials as long as you follow the guidelines on this page and in our Brand elements section. Our trademark rules and terms also apply.
There may be certain restrictions around using our trademarks in Google Ads text. Refer to our Advertising Policies help page for more information, or reach out to your Google contact or customer service to request that your Ads account be granted approval to use the relevant trademark in your ad text.
For example, if you’re showing how to set up your app to connect to a Google service, you may use screenshots of the relevant Google product in your materials, such as websites, videos, advertisements, or documentation.
You may make light annotations on such screenshots to make directions clear to the user, but please don’t add or change any other elements.
If you’re using our trademarks, please include a legal line in the footer or other appropriate area of your product, website, or other materials:
[Product name] is a trademark of Google LLC.
Refer to our Trademark List for the proper names of our trademarks.
You can find additional specific information about some of our APIs and developer products below, on the Google Developers site, or by using a search engine.