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Thank You, Healthcare Workers

Honoring all the healthcare heroes on the front line

As the world faces a global pandemic, “how to help” is being searched globally at an all-time high. Searches for “how to thank a healthcare provider” have also surged, as nurses, doctors, EMTs, and other medical workers on the front line continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. This film recognizes the entire healthcare community, including all hospital workers and front desk staff, who are sacrificing so much to save so many. And it reminds us of one of the best ways to contribute to their efforts: Stay home, help save lives.

Visit google.com/covid19 for more information and resources about COVID‑19.

COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund

Google.org is committing $50 million to the global COVID-19 response. Part of that $50 million pledge is $5M in matching donations to the UN Foundation’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization.

We’ll match $2 for every $1 you donate.


100% of your donation goes to the UN Foundation for the WHO.

Learn more about additional COVID-19 response efforts from Google.

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